Making money online is one of the fastest and growing business program today. Making a blog is one them even though you are not a writer or a very literate person as long as you can read and write you can earn great money online. Posting links or posting ads is one of the best and easiest way to earn online all you have to do is to set up a website or a blog site and then post your ads and injust a small amount of time you will earn a lot. Much more if you are a computer literate person that can do more things online. Now for those that might consider themselves as a computer iliterate and are looking for some help ,,'' There are a wide varieties of resources that maybe you didn't even know that are just around waiting for you be notice,,,. ''For those that who want to earn online you don't need to go to a computer school or to a learning center and invest four years of your life just to learn how to use the computer ,,'' Actually today the are many internet programs that are willing to give help without asking for anything in other words they are for ''free'' ....they offer free tutorial lessons ,, and may other free training programs'',,. you can easily found them on you, and and one more they were giving links on what they were doing so there's a lot of available resources."'So' why don't you start now.''